maandag 15 augustus 2011

Introducing myself


My name is Jacques Yasemin and I am a Dutch photographer who lives in Venlo .
Alongside my work as photographer ,I would like to start my own project .This project is a special project for me because I will completely shoot this project analogue with 2 Hasselblad 500 CM body’s , and 120 film black and wihte and color  . In this project I want to combine modern technology with old and proven techniques . I will use an Epson V750 scanner and photoshop .
The project is currently funded entirely self and it cost me $ 4275.00 ALL READY . This money I spent on the overhaul of my two Hasselblad 500 CM body’s and 120 film, clothing for the models that I designed myself, and not to forget my Epson V750 scanner . I still need $ 2850.00 to start my project . I hope I get that amount together through donations and sponsorship .
You want to make a donation ?
You can make a donation from $ 10.00
What you get if you donate $ 50.00
You will get a surprise print on smooth fine art paper 13 x 19 inches printed with a Epson 3800 printer . I will send it free to your address anywhere in the world .
I hope that you are interested in my project and follow my project and make a donation to keep my project a live ! Thank you .
With kind regards ,
Jacques Yasemin